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The kobarid museum day 2022


On Saturday 22 October 2022, The Kobarid Museum prepared solemnity, which we call The Kobarid Museum Day from the foundation of the museum in 1990. Extinguished guest attended the solemnity amongst them were ambassadors of Czech Republic and Republic of Slovakia. Keynote speakers were director of The Kobarid Museum M.Sc. Martin Šolar and secretary for culture in the cabinet of Slovenian Primer Minister Ph.D. Kaja Širok. Ph.D. Širok emphasized the value of The Kobarid Museum, which she knows from when she was young because she was born in this area. She is grateful to the museum for the mission of peace it successfully spreads in cooperation with Foundation Walk of Peace in Slovenia and in the international sphere. She wishes that nomination for the cultural heritage of the Isonzo front would be successfully included on the UNESCO cultural heritage list.

The exceptional mission of the museum is to protect and preserve the heritage of the Isonzo front with the emphasize on the presentation of the heritage to the public. Museum is thankful to many individuals for the success of its work. Some of the individuals are stand out so much and contribute to the work, development and progress of the museum that museum awards them with the honorary membership of the museum. In 2022, The Kobarid Museum awarded Manfred Benkel, a retired colonel of the Germany Army, a big friend, supporter and promoter of the museum, on the list of the honorary members of the museum. Here you can read more about it.

We finished the solemnity with the opening of the new temporary exhibition with the title Austro-Hungarian Army in the Upper Soča Region, III 25 May 1915 – 23 October 1917. The exhibition is the last part of series of exhibitions about the Austro-Hungarian army and fights along the Soča River in the direction from north to south. Author of the exhibition is retired curator of The Kobarid Museum Željko Cimprič.

The choir of Sv. Anton Kobarid enriched the solemnity with the exceptional selection of songs under the conductor Matej Kavčič who moderated the event.